Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Fun Stomach Churning Roller-Coaster! (Narrative)

It was a nice day when my family and I decided to go to the new fantastic ride, ‘The Stomach Churning’  in Manukau.

During the day, when we got there. It was finally our turn to go on the ride and I had butterflies. It started moving and in 5 secs, it was epic f
ast. It was my time to prepare to die. My mum was scared that we might fall off. It was frightfully FUN after all! Round and roun
d we went around the high Stomach Churning coaster. After a fancy, horror kind of ride, I felt dizzy that I wanted to barf (Puke.)

The Stomach Churning roller-coaster was the meanest ride I have been on. I felt really joyful and I acted like a clown. WHAT A FUN DAY I HAD.

“ Thanks Mum and Dad.” I said Joyfully.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Singing Experience!

There has been one thing that I have always dreamed of. Being a star in singing. Singing has been a good experience to me. Everywhere I go, I just sing all day long but no-one hears me so I am writing about ‘SINGING” and what I wish will happen.

I started singing when I was 4 years old and I kept practising with my older sister. I think my singing sounds beautiful and I was born to sing. Oh, I just found my talent. I am going to take you on an adventure about my dream.............

On a hot, bright, sunny day, I went to visit Beyonce and Usher in their studio. We all sang together a song named, “One Plus One” with one verse each. I enjoyed the harmony because it sounded beautiful and we weren’t too hard and we weren’t too soft but just right.

A month later, our album was published with all the songs we sang on it. The whole world heard it about a year later and I said to both Beyonce and Usher, “I am really proud to be a singer.” They laughed and I cannot believe I was with two of the world’s top singers. “Let’s go lunch at the Italian Kebab restaurant, I am starving.” Beyonce said. (But that time, it was only her and I.) The Italian fries and burger were delicious.

Beyonce took me back home and I said, “That was a really fun day shopping with you Beyonce, Bye.” I said with a lot of bags linked on to my arms.

I love singing because I learnt that if you keep practising and getting use to sing in front of others, you can achieve your goal.

Thanks to Turuhira for helping me edit my work.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


My puppy is the best puppy I have ever had. During lifetime, we have lost 3 puppies. 1st puppy Caesar, 2nd Puppy Snoopy, 3rd Puppy Ace and our fourth puppy is Rocky. Rocky is a rottweiler and he was only 4 weeks when we got him. The first time I held him, he was very quite and when we put him on the ground, he just stood there shaking. But now........ Rocky is gone a bit bigger. He is still small but he runs around and my family and I enjoys playing with him. Puppies are cool, puppies are fun to play with, Puppies all over the place!! This is what Rocky looks like! (The photo beside.)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I don’t like smoking because I learnt that it can affect your body and it also kills. Smoking is dangerous for your health and increases your chances of dying. I think that smoking is bad for you because it starts to shrink your vital body-parts to cause any kind of diseases. We have 3 different body parts that we can’t live with-out which is the heart, lungs and brain.  I am writing a story about smoking and hopefully you are interested.

Smoking can cause lung cancer. 90% of men and 80% of women who die from lung cancer are caused by smoking.  Another disease that can kill caused from smoking is Coronary Heart Disease. This disease shrinks the veins and slows the blood and oxygen from pumping to your heart.

Did you know that if you smoke a lot or too much daily, it can cause a risk of heart, lung and brain disease (Or stroke.) Do you feel so annoyed when people just smoke around you? Most people that smoke have to risked their life and gets stressed when they quit. When parents smoke around their children, they are inspiring their kids to smoke. I feel so uncomfortable around it and smoking, not my future!

I want smoking to stop, I feel like having a back up plan to stop my mother from smoking, I think that there is still a chance for smokers to quit. I have shown how and why smoking is bad for you.

Thanks to Turuhira for helping me with editing my writing.